Revolution Street is a multimedia production and educational consulting company founded by two award-winning journalists. We tell stories focused on people – those at the forefront and in the margins. We’re fiercely and unabashedly empathetic, dogged in our curiosity, and committed to the truth.

Our ambition is to produce nuanced, quality journalism as we build a community of storytellers through training, mentorship, and collaboration. Above all, we value integrity, compassion, curiosity, and collaboration.


Bespoke training for journalists, creatives, media professionals, organizations, executives, and newsrooms. One-on-one and small groups professional development training and workshops, from pre-production to publication, and more.


One-on-one and group sessions to reignite creativity and passion for storytelling and our industry. We’ll work through blocks, burnout, and create a strategy for your short- and long-term success. Provide idea edits, pitch reviews, and more on a case-by-case basis.


Award-winning multimedia journalists, producers, editors, and directors who excel in chasing stories and constructing engaging narratives. Strong at bringing together high-performing teams to create outstanding television, print, web, and audio pieces.

Open to pitches and commissions.